Sunday, August 26, 2007

All Work and No Play ...

makes for a very unhappy crafter.

  • Work has been stressful.

  • Back to school has a little hectic.

  • I have a horrible cold / sinus infection.

Have I said enough? Thought so.

I'll be back when things are a bit more normal.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Yep, it's back to school time.

The boys started the new school year last Wednesday. Can you believe it? The middle of August, and they are going back to school! There should be some law against it.

While I dread the end of summer/beginning of school year, I love the back to school sales -- especially the school SUPPLIES. Thank goodness for Target and their fantastic selection and great prices.

Here's to a very positive, productive and FUN school year guys! "Do your best." That's the message that my wife and I preach all year long. It's all about your personal best.

Craft Time at the Lake

Painting wooden apples
Originally uploaded by crafty dad
Saturday afternoon was spent painting a bag of wooden apples I picked up the the Thrift Shop several weeks ago. The weather was cloudy and dreary...a perfect time for a creative pick-me-up. The boys helped me create some very life-like pieces of fruit. They might need a little touch up and then a spray of matte finish clear coat.

My plan is to get them finished this week and put into a basket that (I hope) will really show them off.

Stay tuned.

P.S I hope you had a crafty weekend.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Craft Space -- To Die For!

Have you seen the latest issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine? I mean have you really seen it? She has converted an attic into one of the COOLEST craft spaces. This is stuff that dreams are made of. Oh. My. Gosh. This is what I want my corner of the basement to look like (well...sort of). To have a place to go and create. That's my goal.

It's a good thing. The latest issue came in the mail today and craft maven is on the cover.

Wow! What a wonderful place to spend hours and hours and hours. Dreaming. Designing. Creating. In other words: A little bit of heaven.

Staying organized. The Martha Stewart way. I really like the green too.

More tools of the trade. I'm just a bit jealous. ;-)

Stay tuned. My dad is going to help me get my craft space built in the next few weeks. It's been in my head for a long time. He helped figured out what lumber I would need early this spring/summer. Now it's time to bite the bullet, pull out the checkbook and make a trip to Lowe's. I'll keep you posted. My goal is to have it ready so that I can start making Christmas gifts. (For THIS Holiday season, not next year!!). It won't be a MSL Production. But it's gonna be good. I promise!

A Finished Object!

Originally uploaded by crafty dad
I started this stocking cap a few weeks (months) ago. I finished it just a few hours (days) ago and had to show it off.

I seem to have very few FO's, so when I have one: I'm gonna tell you about it!

Son No. 2 is the model. He wanted me to make sure I told all of you that he was under the hat.

For Dave and Micah

Knitting Again. Woo. Hoo.
Originally uploaded by crafty dad
Ok guys. Here it is: Crafty Dad's attempt to knit. It's slow going, but I'm beginning to get the hang of it. I feel very, very clumsy with the two needles. (A single crochet hook seems so much easier...)

I need to watch and re-watch my knitting video. Tension is a major issue with me. (Both the tension of the yarn and tension in general) LOL! But I shall overcome. I shall become a knitter. I shall. I shall.

Send me some encouraging words.

Monday, August 06, 2007

WGCS 91.1 The Globe -- Public Radio

It was hotter than H - E - Double Hockey Sticks on the way home tonight. And humid too. The worst it's been all summer. So...the A/C was on to the maximum, the fan was kicked up, and one of my favorite radio stations played in the background. If you're looking for some unique, Public Radio, check out Globe Radio 91.1 FM

Stay cool!

Brant Point Lighthouse - Nantucket Island

It's Monday. And I'd love to take another summer vacation with my wife and the boys.

Here's a great shot of Brant Point. My wife took this photo from the ferry as we were leaving the island for Hyannis. Nantucket is a wonderful place. I highly recommend it.

Have a great day!