Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Simple, Summer Salad

My dad has a garden and he shared these green, banana and black(?) peppers with us soon after we returned from vacation. He also gave us a couple ripe tomatoes. (I am a TOMATO FREAK, just so you know.) I have been in love with tomatoes for as long as I can remember. When I was a teenager, I can remember taking the salt shaker out to my grandpa's garden. I would find a nice ripe one, carefully twist it off the vine, wipe it on my shirt, take a small bite (just to get to the fleshy part), then I'd sprinkle salt on it and eat it up. It was heavenly.

Fresh ones, stewed ones, canned ones. If it's a tomato, it's a friend of mine. Unless, of course, it's a rotten one. Then....well...that's a whole different story.

Fresh vegetables from Dad's garden.

A very, simple salad. Chopped veggies and some Vidalia Onion dressing from Tastefully Simple. If you've never tried it, you certainly should. They have some great products.

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